Digital Human Resource Operations

Human Resource Executive In an increasingly digital world, where quickly changing technology and demands for efficiency present ongoing challenges for Human Resource departments, a holistic approach to evolving strategies is necessary for HR to keep up with evolving workforces. In a recent article from Human Resource Executive, the author presents five key components of such an approach, emphasizing the importance …

ISA Highlights the Critical Role of Supply Chain Automation

Supply Chain Brain The International Society of Automation (ISA) released a 2024 position paper, highlighted in a recent article from Supply Chain Brain, outlining the importance of automation across the supply chain industry. The ISA notes the essential role automation plays in building supply chain resilience, and offers guidance for decision makers on incorporating these technologies into existing operations. As …

Tips for Implementing HR Software

Maybe you can remember the time when taking care of employee issues was simply looking around the office, making a few decisions about employee time-off, sick days, hours worked and occasionally advertising for and hiring a new employee. Then, because your business grew before your eyes,  those previously simple tasks became complex, and time-consuming. This is where HR Software steps in …

Epic Systems – Preparing Staff For EHR Implementation

You’ve performed your due diligence and have chosen Epic Systems as your EHR vendor. Everyone has heard how difficult, frustrating, and exhausting the EHR implementation process can be, and now that you’ve received your project management outline you’re thinking it would be a good time for expert leadership. We can match you with that expert and guide you step-by-step through the …

5 Things to Know About Hospital HR

When most people think hospital HR, they may think it is the simple task of handling the relations between doctors. If only it were that simple! Hospitals are made up of so many different types of employees: doctors, physicians assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, administrative staff, house keeping staff, just to name a few. A human resources representative at a hospital has …

Hospital HR: Solving Common Problems with PeopleSoft Finesse

Hospital HR departments seem to have a perpetually increasing scope of responsibility. From managing layers of employee education, benefits and incentive programs to the daily (or hourly) need to adjust staffing levels, the responsibilities seem endless.  And often, the tools that are meant to simplify work processes seem maddeningly complicated when you’re actually working with them. For example, PeopleSoft Human Capital …

Cut Hospital Support Costs through Proper ERP Optimization

Many times, hospital support costs are a gray variable in otherwise smooth operations and financial management of hospitals. Support services are a needed part of quality health offerings, but complicated business relationships, reporting and regulation requirements, and different constituents reduce the positive impact of hospital support services. While the issues involved in information and systems management between a hospital and its support …

How Hospitals Can Make Payments Using PeopleSoft ERP

Hospitals are facing increased pressure to operate more efficiently and reduce cost by streamlining their processes for non-purchase order transactions made outside of the Purchasing system. Oracle’s PeopleSoft ERP Payment Request feature supports this effort by creating a self-service option for filing non-purchase order invoices that is scalable and more efficient. Using the Payment Request feature, professionals outside Accounts Payable …