What is the SaaS?
Provides the required and key functionality needed to manage the full life-cycle multi-faceted supplier return process, ultimately helping make sure Payables receives and takes every credit! Our cloud-based software will do the heavy lifting and help make sure all of the supplier credits are processed, effectively closing the gap and preventing financial leakage.
Features & Functionality
From Real-time Dashboards to Integration to Configurable Forms, Belmero has you covered!
"We have seen our annual supplier credits increase over 2x. I had no idea our risk exposure and loss was that much"
Management Dashboard
- Dedicated and real-time Dashboard of all the Supplier Returns
- Real time visibility to the amount of Returns in process
- Instance visibility to the amount of Returns Payables should be processing
- Real-time visibility to 12 month trends
- Instance visibility to Return amounts by reason code and details down to the User
Operations Dashboard
- Dedicated Dashboard for your Supplier Returns Operations Team
- Ultimate tool in managing Returns from end to end...it does all the heavy lifting
- Proactively identifies errors and problems
Dynamic Forms Based on the User
- End User forms are simple & easy
- Operations personnel forms are robust for power users
Customer Specific Tailoring & Configuration without Customizations
- Configurable page names, instructions, field names, labels and more
- Turn on custom fields
- Require fields & hide others
- Set default values
- Operations Dashboard configuration
- Management Dashboard configuration
- Email Notification
- Surveys
Follow-up Lists & Search Functionality
- Auto generated reminder / follow-up Lists
- Auto generated email reminders
- Quick and easy search pages
Integration & Process Scheduling
- Sftp & Email Integration
- Configurable Delimited File Layouts
- Field mapping & constant/fillers
- Configurable ERP specific interface
- Process Schedule functionality
- Process Viewer w/Email Alerts
Import & Export Functionality
- Online functionality to import and export data
- Import Suppliers tool to make supplier maintenance easy
- Tool to export Returns data for quick and easy adhoc reporting
Accounts Payable Portal
- Access to Management Dashboard
- Access to AP Work List (Optional) – Returns ready for AP
- Access to search & review Returns
- Visibility to Returns using an AP designed Return form
- Online Export Return functionality
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Service Benefit Highlights
There are many benefits to this SaaS. Significant Cost Savings, a high ROI, eliminates the procurement and finance pain points around the supplier credits process and it'll help you achieve common company wide strategic initiatives like process digitization, automation, cost reduction, improved margins and improved operational visibility!
Makes it easier than ever for you team to take control over Supplier Returns
Page names, instructions, field names, labels, are all configurable
Email alerts help you never miss a step of the Supplier Returns process
Robust integration helps keep everything quickly processed in AP