Cost Savings Opportunities in Hospital Supply Chain Management

The most successful Hospital Administrators and Operations Managers are constantly looking for cost savings opportunities when it comes to their Supply Chain Management. As this article in Hospital and Health Networks points out,

“The economic downturn has given the supply chain renewed prominence, boosting it in many hospitals from the basement to the executive suite.”

Hospitals and other organizations are realizing dramatic cost savings by focusing on areas like procurement, warehousing, engineering, maintenance and more. At Belmero Inc., we offer Hospital Enterprise Resourcing Planning Solutions specifically designed to identify cost savings opportunities in Hospital Supply Chain Management. We welcome the the opportunity to introduce you to our PeopleSoft ERP solution that is designed specifically for hospitals. Here are just two examples of how organizations are using ERP solutions to drastically decrease supply chain costs.

  • UHC Member Hospitals Achieve Record Savings – Members announced record savings of $214 Million in the fiscal year 2013 and attribute a significant amount of the savings to advanced analytics, monitoring physician preferences, better use of supplies, enforcing standards and better collaboration with key stakeholders including their supply company.
  • 3 Ways to Take Supply Chain to the C-Level – Durral Gilbert, President of Supply Chain Services at Premier Inc. says “healthcare systems need to realize the value of consolidation and scale to leverage the advantages of the new facilities and drive standardization”.  He presents three fundamental steps hospitals must take to begin realizing significant supply chain savings: 1) Build stronger relationship with physicians, 2) Create mutually beneficial value propositions through stronger clinical integration, and 3) Automation and Standardization of the Supply Chain.

Both articles point to standardization and automation as the keys to successful cost reductions in the supply chain. At Belmero, we work with our clients to develop standard operating procedures that lead to both time and dollar savings. We invite you to contact us if you are looking for ways to drive down Supply Chain costs.

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