We recently made a post focused on process reviews, and the importance of performing Security Reviews regularly to keep your company operating smoothly. Security systems, processes, and protocols are no different! Periodic reviews allow you and your organization to make sure that all of your security concerns are addressed. This may include digital/online security, employee entrance and exit from your …
The Importance of Automating Employee Security
The Importance of Automating Employee Security – There’s no question that keeping your business secure is integral to your success. You want to keep employees safe, protect sensitive data, and make sure that only the right people have access to certain areas of both your physical and digital work environment. Fortunately, advances in automation have made achieving these goals far …
Analytical Study Shows Healthcare Moving to Cloud ERP
Cloud studies conducted by HIMSS Analytics of Chicago IL show that 83% of healthcare organizations are using cloud services to host applications and data like ERP (enterprise resource planning). Cloud ERP makes use of Cloud computing platforms and services to provide more flexible business process transformation. These studies also revealed that over half of US hospitals use smart-phones and/or tablet computers …