How Epic Systems Helped Reveal the Flint Water Crisis

One of the reasons that physicians are given to encourage them to adopt electronic health records is the capability of the technology to improve how physician practices manage large volumes of patient information. But the lead contamination of the Flint, Mich. water supply brings to light another benefit of EHRs: they can support public health. The physician who brought to light …

Aim for Success with Proper ERP Planning

ERP is one of the most popular workforce management systems out there.  It combines business functions and data in one system shared throughout a company.  It has modules to cover everything from supply chain to customer relationship management.  The systems are designed to increase the efficiency of business by improving processes and decreasing cost. Although ERP is quickly becoming the backbone of …

Healthcare Reform Initiatives and Hospital Financial Management

These days, the news often carries stories of how state and federal governmental entities are altering the way they pay for citizens’ medical bills. Among the discourse are buzzwords like Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. The frequency of change in healthcare reform implementation has made it more important than ever that hospital financial management be up to date on how these changes affect their financial statements. And …

Creating an Effective Hospital Supply Chain

In the provision of quality service, a hospital needs a supply chain that merges logistic and purchasing operations of clinical elements. Attaining this objective is not always easy. A well-integrated hospital supply chain incorporates all relevant parties in and around the hospital into its process, including clinicians, finance, clinical outcomes, executive leaders, physicians and others, in other to achieve optimal success. When creating …

Hospital Supplier Management Software: 3 Important Things to Keep in Mind

Managing a hospital is not an easy endeavor. Managers have to be adept at keeping several balls in the air. Knowing three steps for successful hospital supplier management software makes the professional lives of hospital managers a great deal easier, allowing them to focus their attention on other things. The Problem Dealing with vendors and making sure the hospital is fully stocked …

Does ERP integration make you competitive?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) integration is often prescribed as the panacea for hospital HR and planning processes. ERP systems were originally developed to enable organizations to adapt to changes in the business environment. How well do they accomplish this task in hospitals today?ERP integration in hospitals faces two issues: Implementation problems Structural problems Implementation issues may not be evident initially but can show …