The Importance of Security Reviews

We recently made a post focused on process reviews, and the importance of performing Security Reviews regularly to keep your company operating smoothly. Security systems, processes, and protocols are no different! Periodic reviews allow you and your organization to make sure that all of your security concerns are addressed. This may include digital/online security, employee entrance and exit from your …

The Importance of Post Payment Audits

Post Payment Audits – Running a business is, at least in part, a numbers game. Entire teams of people have to manage profits, expenses, payroll, and beyond. It’s a near constant battle to manage overhead and the bottom line, maintain profitability, and stop any financial leaks along the way. This is no small undertaking, and when small mistakes pile up, …

The Importance of Acting On an Audit

The entire point of an audit – whether focused on processes, payments, security, or anything else – is to identify problems. Performed internally or by a third party, an audit is capable of digging into the fine details of the way a business operates, and that usually means uncovering practices and policies that aren’t working, gaps in training, or operational …

Why You Need IV&V for Any ERP, CRM, HCM, or EHR Project

Powerful software continues to dominate the operations of many businesses. For companies of all kinds, organizational software is at the heart of daily function. Whether it’s to manage supplies or customer contacts, employee records or marketing data, the wide world of database and management software only becomes more powerful – and more common. When implementing any such software, IV&V can …

What’s The Difference Between IV&V and a Project Audit?

You may be familiar with the concept of a “project audit.” In terms of software, a project audit is a process of verifying that development is on track, meets standards and compliance needs, is consistent with final specifications, meets contract agreements, and a range of other criteria… Now, at first glance, this sounds an awful lot like the process of …

What is Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)

Systematic quality control is essential for meeting customer and regulatory standards. With that very need in mind, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) is a method of meeting requirements and establishing assurance of quality. To understand the two components simply: • Verification is the evaluation that a product, service, or system is compliant with regulations, legal requirements, etc. • Validation is …