Creating a Post Yourself



Below items are in visual mode just for the demonstration purpose.

Anything typed in the “Creating a Post Yourself”  (title section) of the post will default to h1 tag.  So get the same look and feel as the title above <h1 class=”entry-title”    itemprop=”headline”> Title text which will appear like above important section </h1> this will create a list. For creating  each  new  post 1)Enter title in type your title here section  as regular text. 2)go to text mode  and  add <div class=”Belmero-Difference”>  entire post content </div> 3)For any subtitles  use  enclose subtitle text within h4 tags as shown below.  Strong makes the text bold . you can use if needed <h4><strong>Subtitles</strong></h4> 4) For any lists you want to make use <ul><li> List item one</li> <li> List item two</li></ul> 4)All regular content you paste as is or enclose in <p>paragraph tags</p>.  By default it will be treated as a paragraph. 5) All  images you can add via Add Media button above  . 6) You can use the editor options above but selecting a section and clicking on one of the options above. 7)If  you need a featured image click on the blue link Set Featured Image on the bottom right on this page and select the image to be added to this  via media library or your computer/laptop or from a external link 8)Title added, content added, image added now you are all set to publish .  Select the category on the right side under which you want your post to appear. 9)Now Publish , view post and make any more changes needed to look and feel 10)Enjoy the post !! You are done!  


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